Fiesta private server 2012
Fiesta private server 2012

fiesta private server 2012 fiesta private server 2012

For every Classic 75 era topic on the forums you'll see the same regurgitated and out of touch suggestions such as "just level sync yourself to 75" or "you think you want it, but you don't." And thank you, but we know all the ways to emulate 75 era. There exists demand for an official Classic 75 era recreation, that is without question. We're not trying to start a revolution or argue about it, we just hope they will listen. And the people who have access to master levels are already the people who enjoy the lengthy grinds of the olden days the most.įF11 Classic world/server requests have to be made on the official forums in an attempt to gain more visibility, but certain folks immediately get territorial about it. Look, You have to give them points for the new master level system- the XP gain is very much like the old days, needing to kill stronger mobs in a party to get a meaningful amount, trusts aren't terribly great for it, and XP loss is something of a threat again. You'll play it for a while, get bored from the lack of new content, and go back to the main game or play another game.

fiesta private server 2012

It can be fun to take a trip down memory lane, but the reality is, it isn't sustainable. It would require a lot of investment for far less potential return than it had for Blizzard with WoW. FFXI never had anywhere near the level of market adoption as WoW. You have to reintroduce content over time or add new content or it's just going to get stale before very long. But even WoW classic isn't staying locked in the past, they've already reintroduced Burning Crusade, etc, which basically proves that you can't just make a server, go back in time, and freeze it there. WoW classic works for Blizzard because WoW is such an immense game that the number of people interested in it is enough to sustain a community. For two is really all the other stuff I've repeated several times at this point- lack of agreement on what "classic" actually is, dividing the community, Features already existing to enable this style of play without a special server (though said features could do with some improvement to be fair), etc.

#Fiesta private server 2012 free

For one, as we said already, a lot of people are doing it because it's a free alternative where they don't have to give SE any money, and not because of any particular game attributes such as level cap or whatever else. And yes, private servers need to be maintained, but usually it's much like any f2p game, a few people with lots of money are covering for freeloaders.Ĭombining all the known servers to rvial Asura doesn't really speak that strongly to the merits of the idea. Beyond that, the reverse engineering is still highly imperfect and some things may not work the way you expect. You also can't really put too much heart into your character on them because their retention of your data is far less guaranteed. Private servers are mostly about dodging the sub fee.

Fiesta private server 2012